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Blessings of Abraham

44% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Blessings of Abraham.

I bless thee with the blessings of thy fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and even the blessings of thy father Joseph, the son of Jacob.

You are blessed spiritually and even temporally according to the Covenant made with Abraham, for you shall have an inheritance with the remnants of his seed.

You blessings shall be answered in the seal of the Everlasting Covenant and in the fullness of the same, made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are heir to the promises made to Abraham.

You have rights in the covenants made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, your Fathers from whom begineth your reckoning in these last days.

Thou art a lawful heir to all the blessings which were sealed upon thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

By authority of the holy Priesthood pronounce upon thy head the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I pronounce upon thy head the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

I pronounce upon thy head the Blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Thou art a daughter of Abraham through the lineage of Joseph, and a lawful heir to all the blessings of the priesthood which was sealed upon the head of his children to its uttermost boundary of the everlasting hills.

I seal upon you all the blessings of the everlasting priesthood that was sealed upon Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and upon the children of Joseph in the land of Egypt.

I seal upon you the blessing of a father, even all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I place upon thy head the Blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Thou art entitled to the Priesthood of Abraham and Jacob which was conferred upon their posterity which has come down through the lineage of the fathers even unto thee.

Thou art entitled to the blessings of Abraham; and of Isaac and of Jacob.

The blessings of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob will crown thy labors.

Inasmuch as thou wilt be faithful unto God and wilt be faithful to thy parents thou wilt be a partaker of all the blessings that was promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The blessings of Abraham, both temporally and spiritually, shall attend thy journey in life.

Thou art entitled, through lineage, to the blessings of the children of Abraham.

I seal the Blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob upon thee.

I bless thee with the Blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I bless you with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I seal upon thy head the blessings of the everlasting gospel, together with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

By virtue of my office as a patriarch I seal upon you the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, for thou art a lawful heir to all the blessings of the promised seed.

I bless thee with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

jeg besregler paa Dig Abraham Isak og Jacobs Velsignelse.

At Du maa have en Lovmæssig Krav paa alle du Velsignelser, Forjættelser og Forhaabninger som er lovede til Abrahams indvalgse.

I seal upon you Abraham's, Isaac's and Jacob's blessings, that they may rest upon you from your childhood.

I seal upon you a Patriarchal blessing with the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Thou art entitled to all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are an heir to the blessings promised to Abraham and his seed.

You have proven you are worthy to inherit all the blessings promised to Abraham and his seed. You are a legal heir unto them.

I seal upon your head the blessings of the daughters of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are of the seed of Abraham, through the lines of Israel, Joseph and Ephraim, and you are entitled to their blessings.

Thou art entitled by lineage to all the promises and blessings that the Lord our God conferred upon Abraham.

Thou art an heir to all the blessings of the promised seed.

You are a legal heir to the covenants and promises which the Lord made to Abraham and confirmed to Isaac and Jacob, and their generations forever.

Thou art heir to all the blessings of the promised seed.

You are entitled to all the blessings of Father Abraham.

Thou hast already obtained the same blessings that were sealed upon Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I bless thee with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

It is your right to receive the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Thou hast the privilege of the blessings promised to the daughters of Abraham, and through rendering obedience to the Gospel entitles thee to the blessings of a numerous posterity, for this blessing was promised to Abraham and his seed throughout future generations.

Thou art a legal heir to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

All the powers and gifts and blessings that were promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are thine; for they shall be sealed upon thy head, and they shall be continued unto thee, and unto all thy generations that will obey the counsel of their husband and father.

Thou art entitled to the promises and all the blessings of Sarah of Old as in creation with her husband. So shall it be with you with your husband.

Thou art numbered with the fathers in Israel and thy posterity shall be numerous and to their generations there shall be no end for the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob shall be continued upon thee.

I seal upon thy head the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I seal upon you the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are an heir to the priesthood and the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The promises that were given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will follow you to the end of your days, inasmuch as you are faithful.

Inasmuch as you are of the seed of Israel, having descended from our Fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, you are entitled to all the blessings and privileges pertaining to the lineage.

You have a right to all the blessings of the patriarchs of old.

You are entitled by birthright to the blessings of the House of Israel.

I seal upon you at this time the blessings of your heritage and birthright, even the blessings of the House of Israel.

You are entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Thou art entitled to all herein written for thou art one unto whom the blessings that were given to Abraham and his seed were to enjoy.

Thou art entitled to all the blessings that have been promised to the seed of Abraham and to the children of Israel since his day.

You are of the House of Israel, and all the blessings which were promised unto this chosen seed are yours to enjoy. Acquaint yourself with these many blessings and live worthy to receive them.

You are entitled to the blessings the Lord has promised His covenant children.

You were born into the world of noble blood, for in your veins is the blood of Abraham, and you are an heir in faithful living and by participation in the activities and privileges offered you in the Church, to all the blessings which the Lord has promised to His Covenant people in this dispensation of time.

You will understand that being descended through the prophets Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that truly you are a noble son of our heavenly Father through righteousness. And that is your blessing as long as you are faithful in all the duties you have to perform for those three great prophets are now gods and sit upon their thrones in exaltation.

You have royal blood in your veins for you are a descendant of Father Abraham. You come from the house of Joseph the favorite son of Jacob who was sold into Egypt and from the loins of Ephraim. As such you are entitled to all of the rights, privileges and blessings that come to the righteous members of that great and royal house of Israel.

You are a legal heir to the choicest blessings which the Lord has promised under the covenant unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their posterity; all through obedience to the commandments of the Lord.

You are fortunate in your heritage that you are entitled, according to your lineage, to all of those blessings which were promised by the prophets of old to the children of Israel.

You are heir to the blessings bestowed upon Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. This heritage is the greatest blessing you could possibly have received.

You are heir to the blessings which were pronounced upon the righteous Patriarch of old.

You shall be blessed that you may receive of the promise of Abraham that all nations should be blessed.

You will receive the blessings which have been promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are of the lineage of Ephraim, who was the son of Joseph, who received those promises which were made unto Abraham by the Lord, that through him and through his posterity all the nations of the earth would be blessed. I seal your inheritance blessings upon you.

If you are faithful and continue to walk uprightly before our Heavenly Father you shall receive the blessings of your forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Search the scriptures so you know what blessings are in store for those of this tribe. You are entitled to those which have been promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are entitled to the blessings of the Lord pronounced upon Abraham and those of his descendants who remain faithful throughout their lives.

It will bring tears of joy as you contemplate your kinship with your father Abraham, and your descendancy through Joseph, who was sold into Egypt, and his son Ephraim. Know well the blessings that have been extended down through this birthright. For they are yours.

Your lineage is from the seed of Joseph through his son Ephraim entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You shall partake of those great blessings which were promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You earned the right and privilege of this inheritance or birthright because of your valiant activity in your preexisting life.

I counsel you to read of the blessings given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because being of this lineage you are entitled to these same blessings.

I confirm upon you all of your former blessings, including those of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of Joseph.

You are a son of Abraham. From him you have descended through his son Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and Ephraim, who was the birthright son. You are therefore an heir to the birthright blessings, all of which come through the power of the priesthood.

You are a daughter of Abraham. From him you have descended through his son Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and Ephraim, who was the birthright son. You are therefore an heir to the birthright blessings, all of which come through the power of the priesthood.

It shall be your privilege to fulfill the blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Abraham was told that his seed would cover the earth and his blessings would be as the sand of the sea, innumerable. The blessings promised to him are promised to you as they apply to you and so you are blessed in deed.

You are heir to your inheritance blessings through the lineage of Ephraim, the son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt. They are choice blessings and shall continually be increased unto you throughout your life as you prove yourself worthy. I seal you up to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection enjoying all of the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are blessed to be of a mighty lineage, even from the patriarchs of old, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and you are from the house of Ephraim. Ephraim was given the birthright of Israel.

God loved Abraham, and he gave him many blessings. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and because of your repentance and baptism you are heir to the blessings that were given to Abraham and renewed to Isaac and Jacob.

you are heir to all the blessings and promises given unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by our Father in Heaven.

You are of a royal lineage, the lineage of Ephraim in the house of Israel. This lineage makes you heir to all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that you can read about in the Book of Genesis. It makes you a natural and rightful heir to your throne and crown.

You are entitled to all the promises and blessings that were given to Father Abraham.

You are entitled to the blessings promised to Joseph, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham.

I counsel you to study the blessings given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

You are entitled to all of the blessing pronounced upon the heads of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This includes all things in righteousness and all that our Father in Heaven has.

You are the seed of Abraham and thereby worthy of eternal blessing that the Lord has for this covenant people.

You shall receive the blessings promised unto father Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

You are of the family of Abraham coming through the loins of Joseph and are of the tribe of Ephraim. You are thereby entitled, through righteousness, to the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant. These blessings will come to you in due time but you must be prepared to receive them.

The blessings for obedience are those promised to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Joseph to Ephraim and then to you.

So long as you live the principles of the gospel you shall have the blessings of the patriarchs of old, even Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are yours. You have come to Earth as a member of that family of Israel through the loins of Ephraim. Through this lineage you will receive many blessings and given much responsibility in building up the Kingdom of God in these last days.

The blessings which our Heavenly Father bestowed upon the children of Israel through the ancient patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will come to you as you obey the commandments of God.

You inherit the blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These were the chosen people of God. You too are one of the chosen.

You will receive the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

You have all of the rights and privileges that were given to Father Abraham.

You will be heir to all of the marvelous blessings promised to our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are of royal ancestry through the great Prophets of the Lord on this earth, even Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Lord has made great promises to those of this lineage. He has fixed responsibility and given to those of this lineage an opportunity to receive His choicest blessings.

You qualify for all the rights and privileges of the blessings given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

You are entitled to all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These blessings are as numerous as the sands upon the seashores and the stars in the heavens.

Upon you rest the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, all of which can be yours as you stay worthy and true to the Lord.

You are therefore an heir to the promises, blessings, and covenants given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Joseph; but also the responsibilities given them and their descendants.

You are an heir to the blessings promised to Abraham, all of which will be bestowed upon you as you go through life and continue to live as the Lord would have you do. I seal upon you the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and these things I do in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

You are entitled to all of the blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their posterity. As you gain an understanding of lineage and of the blessings that were promised to the children of Israel, you will be grateful for this choice heritage and will desire to live worthy to receive those promised blessings.

You are descended from the household of Abraham. Through his lineage you will receive all the blessings promised to the righteous descendants of Abraham.

You can be grateful to be part of the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Those promised blessings made to those ancient patriarchs and the responsibilities given to their offspring, you are entitled to and responsible for.

You are entitled to all the blessings that were bestowed upon the descendants of Abraham through his lineage.

You are entitled to all the blessings and promises given by the Father to Abraham and passed on to Isaac and Jacob.

As a son of the Most High and of the seed of Abraham you are entitled to all of those duties, responsibilities and blessings that come to faithful sons.

You are an heir to the blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and they are sealed upon you at this time.

You are from the Patriarchs of old, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph through the House of Ephraim and have all the rights, privileges, blessings and responsibilities that attend this holy lineage.

The blood of the believing people flows in your veins. The promises that the Lord made to Abraham and his descendants are yours.

You are blessed to be a member of the House of Israel through Ephraim, the chosen son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt. These are the choice blessings of The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

You are entitled and you can claim the great blessings that are promised to you through the seed of Abraham.

With the royal blood of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Dan in your veins you are entitled to kingdoms, thrones, principalities, dominions, powers, riches, eternal lives and exaltation.

You are entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

You are a rightful heir to the blessings, promises, and covenants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through the loins of Joseph and of Ephraim.

You are entitled to all of the blessings promised to his descendants. Follow the teachings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and rich shall be your joy and blessings.

You have been endowed with the Blessings of Abraham, for you are of the lineage of Ephraim, who received his royal blessings under the hands of yours.

You are descended from the patriarchs of old, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, and have all of the rights, privileges, blessings and responsibilities that attend this sacred lineage.

You are entitled to all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are here because of your lineage. It comes through Father Abraham, through the House of Israel, and through the loins of Ephraim. Ephraim was a great individual and you have all of the blessings given to him and they are many.

You are truly blessed to be of the house of Israel, and thus you are entitled to all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

You are destined to be a king in the eternities with the royal blood of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in your veins. You are entitled to kingdoms, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, riches, eternal lives and exaltation.

You are of the House of Ephraim, son of Joseph, a descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Many of the blessing promised to this choice line may be fulfilled to a measure during your lifetime as you strive to do your part in building the kingdom here on earth.

Many years ago Jehovah gave unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob blessings, and they are yours as you stay true and faithful to the Lord. You will never forget the power and authority of this blessing. Your responsibilities are grave and many, as are your blessings.

You are of the House of Israel. Your lineage is through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, through Joseph and his son Ephraim. I bless you with the blessings of Ephraim; to be fruitful, with accomplishment in your life and with leadership ability.

You are of noble birth since you stem from father Abraham, that great prophet in the old testament who was promised that the entire earth would be blessed to his seed and the Abrahamic covenant was formed which would shower the earth with the blessings of the lord. You are heir to all of the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are of the House of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and your blessings will come to you through the Tribe of Ephraim.

Through study and prayer and keeping the commandments the great blessings and promises given to Abraham will be effective in your life.

You are entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac And Jacob.

You came into mortality as a descendant of Abraham, and you are part of the family of Israel. As a member of this great family you are entitled to the promises and blessings that were given to Abraham. God desires for you to receive these blessings in your life.

You will be blessed in this life, for you will share in the blessings of Israel through Ephraim, and will receive the blessings of exaltation and eternal life which were promised to father Abraham and to his posterity.

You will receive a family which is entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is one of the greatest gifts that the Lord has for you.

I declare that you are of the lineage of Ephraim and as such you are a beneficiary of the Abrahamic Covenant.

You are entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

You are an heir to all the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant.

Blessing #23
You are entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Blessing #24
Your lineage is through Ephraim of the house of Israel. As a member of this favored lineage, you are entitled to all of the blessing promised to Abraham of old.

Blessing #49
You now have lawful claim to all the blessings, hopes, and promises that have been extended to your forefathers Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. This lineage will be a blessing to you throughout your life and throughout all eternity.

Blessing #123
You are entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.